The 7 Day Cell Phone Detox Challenge
Excessive smart phone usage disrupts your ability to focus, produce, and feel good and most of us are guilty of it.
If you know you need to start reducing your digital consumption but the idea of quitting cold turkey scares the shit out of you, then this easy to implement 7 day challenge is the perfect solution.
Start right away or set a reminder for Monday and follow the daily instructions below.
Monday — Unfollow all people that aren’t your friends or family
Tuesday — Turn off all push notifications
Wednesday — Resist the urge to check your phone first thing in the morning
Thursday — Setup a charging station outside your bedroom and don’t look at it an before bed
Friday — Leave your cell-phone at home before you go out for dinner (fully connect with the person sitting across from you)
Saturday — Whole day not looking or posting to social media
Sunday — Turn off your cell phone for the whole day
That’s it!
Comment below and let me know how it went for you and if you struggled or succeeded for all 7 days.