Social Media Will Never Satisfy You. Digital Intimacy Is Empty.
Social Media Will Never Satisfy You. Digital Intimacy Is Empty.
This is a rant about social media and digital addiction.
Our primary and dominant need is togetherness. It is connection we seek, not information.
Social media and technology will not satisfy this hunger and this fundamental human need.
That’s why it’s so addictive. It entices us to think we’re connecting, but we’re not.
Like being hungry and eating a cookie. It makes you feel full but lacks the nutrition you really need.
It’s empty of the real connection we need to feel satisfied that only comes from close and intimate relationships and togetherness.
Technology is a great tool for education, inspiration, and business. But it seriously lacks in delivering one of the primary drivers that fuels human existence.
Need help overcoming social media or cell phone addiction? Work with me as your personal 1-on-1 coach here: