My Mental Hygiene Routine (Improve Your Mental Health Daily)
I wanted to share my Morning Mental Hygiene Routine with you today to help take care of and improve your mental health. Just like we physically take care of ourselves by brushing our teeth and showering, there are things we can do to keep our mind healthy.
This template you can steal (please share it!) served me well and it will increase your vibe, energy, and will release a flood of feel good chemicals will fire you up and help you reach incredible streaks in any goal you have! (especially when it comes to diffucult habits to break like quitting porn and junk food)
Feel free to try it out today or tomorrow morning if you like and let me know how it goes! (let me know if you have any questions):
My Mental Hygiene Template (5–15 mins total)
Instructions: Copy And Paste This Somewhere Safe, then duplicate it each day before you start so you can write in it and try it every morning for the next 7 days.
Have your phone ready with a countdown timer set to 2 mins.
✔️ Build mental strength by doing 2 mins of mental pushups
(Here’s a tutorial on how to do mental pushups and a 2 minute guided practice here)
✔️ Once a week (if daily is too much) do the Tony Robbins Priming / Flooding Exercise first thing in the morning (skip to the guided video at the bottom of the page)
✔️ Now do a 2 min relaxing audio body scan drop into your body and feel what’s going on, if anything let it bubble up to the surface while you breathe
✔️ Now do 2 min stream of consciousness writing (ignore punctuation and grammar and focus on writing everything as fast as you can without stopping even it it doesn’t make sense it is like scrap paper)
Start with… today I feel…
Then answer the following right here in this document…
The reasons why I’m deserving are…
(keep writing until the brain isn’t scared anymore and moves into a creative state).
Who is the person I want to be in 6 months?
What are MY goals today?
How do I want to think about my goals today?
What stories am I creating right now?
What stories SHOULD I create?
What are the 3 things I’m thinking about for my business?
What are the 3 things that could also be true?
What are the 3 things I SHOULD be thinking?
What thoughts do I need to challenge right now?
✔️ Now Say Out Loud: “I AM going to be able to do X today and have the life I want because today I’m going to do these things…”
✔️ Now play a song for at least a minute and dance or shake your ass in either your chair or standing up to instantly boost your state!
*you know you did this right when you start smiling for no reason
You’re ready to take on the day. ❤️