5 Ways Porn WILL Ruin Your Relationship
I 100% believe that porn will ruin your relationship over time. Not just with your partner, but with yourself.
Here are 5 reasons why…
You’re going to hate me for this one and i’m going to lose 90% of you right now because what i’m going to share is painfully true and few of us will admit it.
Porn literally trains us to CHEAT on our partners. If not physically then mentally and emotionally in the safety of our dark and secret rooms.
I got into a rap battle over this with a friend, I told him I don’t watch porn because it’s cheating, he disagreed because he loves porn too and would never let it go.
Look. If I gotta get off by enjoying other women (whether on the screen or real life) it’s a form of cheating in my mind.
Porn trains us to constantly think about sleeping with women that aren’t our partner, so there is that too…
Imagine how that affects us when we walk down the street and are visually triggered by a BEAUTIFUL woman that we would normally get a THRILL from via porn?
And what if that person took deep interest in you?
See how tempting that could be?
And maybe that’s ok. It’s not a judgement thing, just something we should be mindful of and strive to improve upon.
We don’t want to train our minds and hearts to constantly to see the work the way we train ourselves to see it through porn. It’s a potential relationship killer.
And here’s where i’m going to get real honest about things so you don’t suffer the same fate I did.
I consumed porn 5–10 times a day and I cheated on EVERY ONE OF MY GIRLFRIENDS. I’m not going to blame porn entirely. But I’ll be brutally honest in saying I was highly trained and conditioned to do it.
It felt like porn in real life. And I just couldn’t say NO to the opportunities that presented themselves to me.
There was no HUMANITY in it. Just pure pleasure seeking (doesn’t this sound familiar?)
Your energy and focus are going to split when your mind is porn trained. Meaning you constantly feel the need to get off on variety to keep you engaged. You’re not fully present with your partner.
Ever get really bored with your partner, and then in your mind you imagine being with someone else while you’re having sex? Yup. That’s splitting.
No judgement from me, it’s just what a porn trained mind tends to do.
A mind that splits, tends to lose focus, connection, and pleasure. It’s the opposite of MINDFULNESS. This can lead to a host of other challenges aside from decreased pleasure and connection with your mate.
When I was younger, I would convince my partners to let me load up and watch porn while we were having sex just to get off. I was trained and conditioned by porn to seek out pleasure in variety and high volumes of it. What do you think that did to our relationship over time?
It died.
I mean think of it this way. If a relationship is a garden. And we split our focus. How long will it survive if we water everywhere but the garden itself?
Not very long.
I left them searching for something more desirable (does this remind you of that never ending search on porn hub for the perfect video?)
Talk about a relationship killer.
When we use porn we’re literally bombarding our senses with a high potency drug that over stimulates our sensory receptors in our brain. Over time this reduces your ability to feel pleasure with the simple things in life (including your partner).
Imagine drinking 5 cups of sugar in the morning, every day for years? wouldn’t that mess with your ability to enjoy sweet things over time?
On the flip side if you avoid sugar for 30 days, wouldn’t one taste of a simple little candy or chocolate send you over the moon? Like WOW this is the best thing ever!
I noticed this with my partner. If I stayed away from over stimulation long enough, I actually enjoyed my partner WAY more.
It felt like the first time we met. I love that feeling, don’t you? That’s the kind of thing that makes couples stick together. Because one of the biggest reasons for relationship problems is boredom.
Yup it completely depletes your sexual energy and drive as a man and this is going to drive your partner nuts.
Have you ever been in a sexless relationship? Or a relationship where your partner rarely wanted to have sex with you?
I sure have. And it SUCKED. And it can actually damage the persons self-esteem and confidence over time making them feel undesirable.
I don’t think we were designed to have as much pleasure and stimulation as we do 5–10 time a day (especially when you factor in orgasms that come from that visual pleasure). That doesn’t leave much else for anything else in life.
At the end of the day, porn is like a smorgasbord of junk that’s a high volume of what appears to be delicious. But it’s not real, it’s pumped with junk and unnatural stuff that lacks nutrients. It will never truly satisfy or nourish you or your relationship.
Aside from DIARRHEA, what happens to us if we indulge a few times a day, or weeks, or months, or years at a Chinese Buffet?
Well you get a lot more problems than DIARRHEA my friend. It literally exasperates all of the above. Resulting in a relationship that isn’t going to THRIVE but rather end up a liquid turd flushed down a toilet.
Not only does porn ruin relationships over time, it also ruins YOU (mentally, physically and emotionally).
And those are just a few of the many reasons I personally don’t indulge in porn anymore.
On the flip side of this whole article. I recommend cutting out porn for 30 days. Go on a No Porn Diet!
And watch how WONDERFUL your relationship starts to feel. Not just with your partner, but with yourself.
If you’re up for the challenge, start now and set a reminder to check back with me in 30 days and comment below how it goes.
You won’t regret it 🙂
ps. if you are the owner of a Chinese Restaurant reading this please don’t murder me. I love you and I love Chinese food even more.